Two o’clock on Saturday 20 July 2024
This year’s Summer Fete, Flower Show and Dog Show will take place at the Upper Deverills Village Hall and on the Cricket Pitch on Saturday 20th July, starting at two o’clock. The Show will include the usual classes, which are listed below. You can also find this information and entry forms in the July Parish News. Please bring your entries along on the day between nine o’clock and eleven o’clock.
- There will be a produce stall so if you have any fruit or vegetables or other home produce that you would like to sell (including things that you have entered into the Show), please bring them along on the day. Gillian Flint and Liz Everall will be running the stall.
- The Village Hall Committee could always do with more helpers, so if you would like to run a stall or a game, or would like to help in a more general way, please contact Ted Flint at .
- The Book Stall relies on your generosity for their success, so please drop any donations off with Sally Buchan Jones or Anne Wiltshire.
1 Vegetables & Fruit
1.1 Collection of vegetables
1.2 Salad selection (10” plate or smaller)
1.3 Largest vegetable
1.4 Soft fruit selection (10” plate or smaller)
1.5 Most amusing vegetable
2 Cookery (WI Cup)
2.1 Victoria sponge
2.2 Home made loaf
2.3 Show stopper (savoury or sweet)
2.4 Home made savoury preserve
2.5 Home made jam or marmalade
2.6 Six eggs: from chicken owners (one will be broken by the judges)
2.7 Home made alcohol
2.8 Home made cordial
3 Flowers 1
3.1 Specimen rose
3.2 Six sweet peas
3.3 Annual: six stems – one or more varieties
3.4 Perennials: six stems – one or more varieties
3.5 Flowering shrubs: three different sprigs
3.6 Tallest sunflower
4 Flowers 2
4.1 Foliage plant in a pot
4.2 Flowering pot plant (not a hanging basket)
4.3 Arrangement of wild flowers
4.4 Table arrangement
4.5 Flower arrangement in an unusual container
5 Arts and Crafts
(completed in the past twelve months)
5.1 Needlepoint or cross stitch piece
5.2 Best limerick
5.3 Any knitted item
5.4 Painting or drawing (any medium)
6 Photographs
6.1 Photobomb
6.2 Wild or domestic animal
6.3 The seasons
6.4 Local landscape
6.5 Village life
6.6 Garden border
6.7 Container planting
6.8 Hanging basket
6.9 Re-enactment of a film or a work of art
7 Children aged 16 or under
(age will be taken into account)
7.1 Garden on a tray
7.2 Best photograph (any subject)
7.3 One-hundred word story
7.4 Best Lego construction
7.5 Olympic themed treat
7.6 Fruit and/or vegetable sculpture
The Liz Peters Cup for Classes 5 and 6
The Junior Shield