Upper Deverills Parish Plan 2022

Brixton Deverill 3

Brixton Deverill Church by Chris Lock

Foreword by Andrew Murrison MP

I am delighted to introduce this revised and beautifully illustrated Parish Plan, the work of the residents of three of the five Deverills – Brixton, Kingston and Monkton. Congratulations particularly to the plan working group: Ted Flint, Richard Kitson and Richard Munro. All involved, including those who responded to questionnaires and attended the consultation meetings are to be congratulated on a well written and to the point document. Like its predecessor, it should serve the Parish well for several years. The planning authority, Wiltshire Council, will always benefit from very local input in addressing the particular needs of small communities, especially when resources are scarce as they always seem to be.
It does not surprise me that traffic on the B3095 and mobile reception are the top two concerns expressed in the plan. My firm belief is that the latter will improve within a recognisable timeframe but traffic, particularly increasingly heavy commercial and agricultural traffic, is a perennial problem in most villages. Indeed, there is much discussion on remedies in our area currently and your parish council is active on that front.
We are very lucky indeed to be living in such a beautiful part of England and such beauty needs to be nurtured and protected. Of course the valley must evolve over time – as this plan makes plain it always has – in order to satisfy the needs of families already here and those that are to come. Change is always with us, but this plan helps to ensure it happens in accordance with the wishes of residents.

Andrew Murrison MP
House of Commons

Upper Deverills Parish Plan


The Parish Plan Working group is grateful to all those who participated in the production of this Plan. The contribution by residents and support by the Parish Council has been essential in the work undertaken to capture local opinion, run the consultation event and Parish Meeting, and present the results. We would like to thank all those who, by showing support, giving their views or attending events, have enabled the production of our Parish Plan.

Particular thanks are also due to Chris Lock, who has kindly allowed us to use his excellent photographs.  Chris produces the Wylye Valley Calendar which, this year, raised £7,500 for the charity Hope and Homes for Children.  Chris’s website address is www.chrislockphotography.co.uk.

Ted Flint, Richard Kitson and Richard Munro


On behalf of the Parish Council I welcome and accept our Parish Plan.
The Parish Council wishes to express their gratitude to the Working Group, to parishioners and to all those who took part in producing the plan.

Richard Munro
Chair, Upper Deverills Parish Council


To the memory of Andrea Llewellyn and Michael Mounde.


The Parish Plan, and much more, is available on the Upper Deverills website: https://www.upperdeverills.co.uk/.

Monkton Deverill 2

Monkton Deverill by Chris Lock


Why write a Parish Plan?

The White Paper Our Countryside – The Future, published by the Government in 2000, encouraged local communities to assume greater responsibility for their own futures. This implied the need for communities to decide how they viewed their neighbourhoods, what they wanted preserved and conserved, and what was needed in the way of improvements and changes to key facilities and services. Communities would also decide how these would be implemented over time. In short, it encouraged Parish Planning.

The first Parish Plan for the Upper Deverills was created in 2014, after a tremendous amount of work by a working group comprising Peter Marsh (Chairman), Andrea Llewellyn, the late Michael Mounde and Sarah Jeffries, who provided administrative and much other support.

In preparing the 2022 version of the Plan we have very deliberately taken the approach of building on our predecessors’ excellent work rather than starting afresh.

There are three principal audiences for this Plan:

  • External organisations including local government and planning authorities

The Plan can be regarded as a formal statement of the voice of the Upper Deverills when external organisations are considering decisions that affect us.

  • The Upper Deverills Parish Council

The Parish Council can use the Plan as a guide to the wishes of the community.

  • All of us! The residents of the Upper Deverills.

We can use the Plan to remind us what we agree is important and to encourage us to organise to play our part in delivering it. Although there is much in this Plan which requires external action by powers beyond our valley community, there is also a great deal that we can do ourselves. This includes setting up interest groups, campaigning (including writing letters, sending emails and attending public meetings), collecting evidence, participating in consultations, supporting community facilities and activities, and helping each other out directly in difficult times. Not only will this help us to realise our vision of what we want our community to be, it will also strengthen our sense of belonging and identity.

To help us all to do this, we have included in this version of the Plan plenty of information to help you get involved, often in the form of links to other sources of information. These links will also be available on the Upper Deverills web site.

How we went about making this plan

The scope of this Plan is the area covered by the Upper Deverills Parish Council, which encompasses the villages of Brixton Deverill, Monkton Deverill and Kingston Deverill and the surrounding countryside, often informally referred to as the Valley.

In September 2021 the Parish Council resolved to set up a new working group to update and develop the 2014 Parish Plan. As in 2014, the Working Group has worked alongside the Parish Council rather than taking direction from it, in order to be able to capture the authentic voice of the valley’s residents.

In view of the continuing challenges and risks presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated restrictions on public gatherings, the Working Group has not undertaken the same level of face-to-face meetings as its predecessors. Nevertheless the Plan is the result of careful questioning and consultation.

The process started in November 2021 with a questionnaire that could be completed either online (using Survey Planet) or on paper. Returns submitted on paper were transcribed into Survey Planet by the members of the Working Group in order to enable them to analysed together with the online responses.

There were 48 responses to the questionnaire, which represents 31% of the 154 households in the three villages. The results were collated and presented to a public meeting at the Village Hall on 19 February 2022. They generated a high level of interest and a lively discussion during which the Working Group was able to capture a number of further comments and ideas.

Following the public meeting the first draft of the Plan was completed by 9 March and was circulated online and with the Parish News for further comment. The finished Plan was presented at the Parish Meeting on 20 April and subsequently made available to every resident of the three villages.

The Parish and our villages

The Upper Deverills and the Local Area

The Upper Deverills Parish covers the three villages of Kingston Deverill, Monkton Deverill and Brixton Deverill. The villages form a chain along the valley of the River Deverill which rises just to the west of Kingston Deverill and, on joining the Shearwater stream at Crockerton, becomes the River Wylye.

Administratively the Upper Deverills are in the Warminster Community Area within the local authority area of Wiltshire.

The Parish is located in the Cranborne Chase AONB.

With few facilities in the immediate area, residents look to Warminster and Mere for local services. Salisbury and Bath offer a wider range of facilities and can be reached by car, train and bus (via Warminster). A bus service between Mere and Warminster runs through the valley twice a day Monday to Friday and there is an additional return service to Devizes on Thursday. A rail service between London and Exeter can be accessed at Tisbury or Gillingham and the Portsmouth/Southampton/Salisbury to Bristol/Cardiff/Great Malvern services at Warminster. These services also enable a connection to the London to Exeter/Penzance, Bristol/Weymouth and Westbury/Swindon services at Westbury.

The Parish is also well located for access to the tourist attractions of Longleat, Centre Parcs, Stourhead, Stonehenge, Bath, Salisbury etc.

A Brief History

The valley has been continuously inhabited by farming people since at least 3500BC, and there are numerous tumuli, earthworks and barrows. Ancient field systems are still visible today on Pertwood Down, Court Hill and at Monkton Deverill.

The valley was important in Roman times with settlements at Cold Kitchen Hill and Whitecliff Down. Two Roman roads crossed the Parish, one an ancient lead road from Portchester, the other from Poole. The roads join at the boundary between Kingston Deverill and Monkton Deverill where a ford crosses the river.

At the time of the Domesday survey (1086) Monkton Deverill was the largest settlement with a population of 285 (with land for 9 ploughs), Brixton Deverill had a population of 80 – 120 people in 27 households (with land for 7 ploughs) and Kingston Deverill had a population of only 34 in 9 households (with land for 3 ploughs).

Before the Reformation most of the land in the Parish was owned by the Church. Brixton Deverill manor was given to the Norman Abbey of St Mary of Bec-Hellouin by Queen Maud, wife of William the Conqueror, before her death in 1083. Monkton Deverill belonged to the Abbots of Glastonbury from the 10th century until after the Reformation when the village was purchased by Sir John Thynne. It was sold in the 1940s to help pay death duties.

The Ludlow family owned Kingston Deverill from the 16th century. Lord Weymouth bought the land in 1737 bringing the whole valley into Thynne ownership.

Until World War II farming was the main source of employment in the valley. Sheep (it is recorded that in 1289 there were 1143 sheep on Brixton Downs) and cattle were raised and corn was a successful crop. After the Second World War the farmed acreage in the Deverill parishes more than doubled. However, with changes in farming practice the number of farms reduced. In all three villages there are former farmhouses and farm buildings that have been converted to residential use. Today only a small number of residents work on the land.

Residents and their Occupations

The Parish population has reduced significantly over the last 200 years. In 1811 there was a combined population of 572 but by 2011 this had fallen to 331. The population was at its peak of 824 in 1841 since when it has steadily declined.

Interestingly, at the time of the 2011 Census, only 16% of the population were aged 0-17 years, 32% were aged 45-59 years and 31% were aged 60+. The community is clearly facing a future in which a significant proportion of the Parish population is composed of older people.

At the time of the 2011 Census residents aged 16 to 74 (178 people) worked in a wide range of industries with the highest percentages working in Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing (14%) and Human Health & Social Work Activities (also 14%).


Kingston Deverill by Chris Lock

What policies, plans and designations apply to the Upper Deverills?

Our villages lie in the county of Wiltshire and the Warminster Community Area, and fall within the Cranborne Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, which is part of the extensive belt of chalkland that stretches across southern England. The landscape is dominated by the River Wylye (known here as the Deverill), which is a clear, fast flowing chalk stream, together with smooth rounded downs, steeply cut combes and dry valleys. The six farms in the Parish mix large rectangular arable fields with traditional downland pasture on the steeper slopes, with several damp pastures on the clay in the valley bottom. The Parish’s three villages Brixton Deverill, Monkton Deverill and Kingston Deverill, lie on the river at the foot of the valley slopes.

The particular rural beauty of our Parish, and the unusually rich history and archaeology, mean that we are the subject of a number of plans and policies that together seek to preserve and maintain its character. In addition, we are covered by national policies and by those laid down by Wiltshire Council. Some of these are explained here.

Wiltshire Council’s Core Strategy.

The current Wiltshire Core Strategy was adopted in 2015. It sets out the council’s spatial vision, key objectives, and overall principles for development in the county. The Strategy is currently under review. The review will set out a vision for the future of Wiltshire for the period to 2036, including a framework for addressing housing needs and other economic, social and environmental priorities.

The spatial vision for Wiltshire (from the current Core Strategy) is as follows:

By 2026 Wiltshire will have stronger, more resilient communities based on a sustainable pattern of development, focused principally on Trowbridge, Chippenham and Salisbury. Market towns and service centres will have become more self-contained and supported by the necessary infrastructure, with a consequent reduction in the need to travel. In all settlements there will be an improvement in accessibility to local services, a greater feeling of security and the enhancement of a sense of community and place. This pattern of development, with a more sustainable approach towards transport and the generation and use of power and heat, will have contributed towards tackling climate change.

Employment, housing and other development will have been provided in sustainable locations in response to local needs as well as the changing climate and incorporating exceptional standards of design. Wiltshire’s important natural, built and historic environment will have been safeguarded and, where necessary, extended and enhanced to provide appropriate green infrastructure, while advantage will have been taken of Wiltshire’s heritage to promote cultural and lifestyle improvements as well as tourism for economic benefit.

Partnership working with communities will have helped plan effectively for local areas and allow communities to receive the benefit of managed growth, where appropriate.

The Council’s approach to delivering this vision is summarized in six strategic objectives:

  1. Delivering a thriving economy.
  2. Addressing climate change .
  3. Providing everyone with access to a decent, affordable home.
  4. Helping to build resilient communities.
  5. Protecting and enhancing the natural, historic and built environment.
  6. Ensuring that adequate infrastructure is in place to support our communities.

The main implication of this Strategy for the Upper Deverills is to limit housing and employment growth to meet agricultural need only, subject to some exceptions.

The Wiltshire Core Strategy.

Cranborne Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Management Plan.

The Upper Deverills Parish lies in the north west of the Cranborne Chase AONB area. The prime purpose of the AONB designation is to conserve and enhance the natural and scenic beauty of the landscape. The AONB Management Plan sets out the following vision:

In 2030, the Cranborne Chase AONB will be an inspirational example of sustainable management in action.

A nationally appreciated place where:

  • its distinctive local landscapes, historic heritage, and wildlife are conserved and enhanced by those who work and manage the land, nurturing a valued and treasured countryside for future generations
  • its healthy soils, clean air and water are appreciated, prized and respected by all
  • its characteristic vibrant villages, profoundly rural character, and local sense of pride are tangible to all who live and visit here, or just pass through
  • the breadth and depth of historic land use offers up its stories in the landscape today
  • its cultural heritage is conserved, understood, enhanced, valued and enjoyed
  • the aesthetic qualities of the landscape and environment, along with the sense of wonder and enjoyment, are appreciated by all
  • the quality of life remains high and the aspirations of those who live and work here are supported

In order to achieve this vision the AONB Management Plan sets out five priorities:

  1. The profile of Cranborne Chase AONB will be significantly raised through signage, community events and activities; and significantly enhanced communications.
  2. The dark night skies of this AONB will be conserved and enhanced with the benefits valued and appreciated by communities and visitors alike.
  3. Extensive collaboration with farmers, foresters, landowners, relevant agencies and local communities will champion integrated, enhanced management of the AONB’s landscapes delivering measurable enhancements to the AONB’s natural and historic environment, showcasing partnership working within a designated landscape.
  4. Led by field based staff, there will be multiple opportunities for volunteers of all ages and abilities to help conserve and enhance the landscapes of the AONB whilst improving health and wellbeing.
  5. The suite of projects within the Cranborne Chase and Chalke Valley Landscape Partnership Scheme bid will measurably enhance the natural, historic and cultural environments of this AONB.

The plan sets out an ambition that planning and transportation strategies, policies and decisions that affect the AONB both conserve and enhances its special qualities. Where development is necessary, it is located and designed to integrate fully with the landscape character and natural beauty. All management of roads, and improvements to road, will enhance the distinctive character of the area. There will be a range of more sustainable options for transport that reduce its effects on tranquillity and the natural environment of the AONB.

All planning applications over a certain size, or any applications that might have an adverse impact on the AONB, are sent to the AONB Partnership (its governing body) for comment. The AONB has published a number of Best Practice Notes to inform planning and development decisions.


Heritage Designations

The Parish is in an area of high archaological potential. It is rich in scheduled monuments, including several isolated Neolithic long barrows, Bronze Age round barrows, a Romano-Celtic temple and a recently discovered and important Roman villa in Brixton Deverill. Those sites designated as Scheduled Monuments receive special statutory protection, as do the many listed buildings in our villages, which are set out at Annex B to this Plan.


Scientific and Conservation Interest

The chalk grassland which forms our downland is of particular conservation interest, particularly when it is unimproved. We have in the Parish one large (193.7 hectare) Site of Scientific Interest known as Brimsdown Hill, lying to the northwest of Kingston Deverill. The River Wylye and its banks, as well as substantial areas of downs and farmland, are designated as areas of high ecological value and sites of nature conservation interest.


Warminster and Villages Community Area Board.

Wiltshire Council has set up Community Area Boards. The Upper Deverills falls within the remit of Warminster and Villages Community Area Board. This is how the Council describes its purpose:

Area Boards are a way of working to bring local decision making into the heart of the community. They are not like old-fashioned council meetings and there are lots of opportunities for local people to get involved.

Meetings take place in each community area and between these meetings different task groups consisting of local people, Wiltshire Council staff and councillors tackle local issues and find solutions to take forward at the next Area Board.

The Warminster and Villages Community Area Board has identified a number of priority themes:

  • Youth engagement, employment and positive activity opportunities
  • Housing and employment
  • Reducing isolation and loneliness
  • Supporting the local economy
  • Supporting digital inclusion

These priority themes, and the actions to address them, have been developed into a Warminster and Villages Community Plan. The Community Board has a sub-group known as the Community Area Transport Group. It describes its operation as follows:

Community Area Transport Groups (CATGs) are sub-groups of the area boards that aim to find solutions for local transport issues such as road repairs, traffic problems, road layouts and parking. Each group has about 10 members including area board members, town and parish council members and community representatives.

The meetings are also attended by relevant officers from Wiltshire council including a senior transport planner, a senior traffic engineer and a local highway maintenance engineer as necessary. Their key purpose is to offer advice and support to the group but they do not vote on the issues raised. The CATG may also invite representatives from local organisations to its meetings to give technical advice or to share local knowledge.


Parish Plan statistics

The 2022 survey had a lower response rate than the 2014 survey. In view of the coronavirus restrictions we did not conduct door-to-door deliveries of the questionnaire, but used email and the Parish News to inform residents of the survey. This may account to some extent for the difference. Here is the breakdown by village:

Households in each village

Brixton Deverill Monkton Deverill Kingston Deverill Total
30 50 74 154

Survey questionnaires returned

Brixton Deverill Monkton Deverill Kingston Deverill Total
13 13 21 47

Survey response rate by village

Brixton Deverill Monkton Deverill Kingston Deverill Upper Deverills
43% 26% 28% 31%

What you said about priorities

According to your responses to the survey, the rankings of matters to be addressed in the plan were as follows:

Overall rankings across all three villages

  1. Traffic, including road safety on the B3095 and the reduction of HGV traffic
  2. Mobile phone reception
  3. Conservation and restoration of the local environment, including its ecologyx
  4. Sustainability measures to protect the wider environment and impacts of climate change
  5. Community facilities

By village:

Brixton Deverill

  1. Traffic, including road safety on the B3095 and the reduction of HGV traffic
  2. Conservation and restoration of the local environment, including its ecology
  3. Mobile phone reception
  4. Sustainability measures to protect the wider environment and impacts of climate change
  5. Community facilities

Monkton Deverill

  1. Traffic, including road safety on the B3095 and the reduction of HGV traffic
  2. Conservation and restoration of the local environment, including its ecology
  3. Mobile phone reception tied witho sustainability measures to protect the wider environment and impacts of climate change
  4. Community facilities

Kingston Deverill

  1. Traffic, including road safety on the B3095 and the reduction of HGV traffic
  2. Mobile phone reception
  3. Conservation and restoration of the local environment, including its ecology
  4. Community facilities
  5. Sustainability measures to protect the wider environment and impacts of climate change


Traffic and road safety


The Upper Deverills Speedwatch team in action


Three roads pass through the Upper Deverills: the B3095 Longbridge Deverill to Mere Road, which runs through all three villages, the unclassified Kingston Lane, which leaves the B3095 in Kingston Deverill and goes to Maiden Bradley, and the Hindon Road, also unclassified, which runs from Monkton Deverill up Pen Hill to join the A350 Warminster to Shaftesbury road.

None of our three villages has any pavements, so the roadway is shared by pedestrians, riders, cyclists, farm vehicles, motor cars, vans and heavy goods vehicles.

In the 2014 Parish Plan traffic was rated the second highest area of concern, and there has long been a desire in the community to reduce the volume of traffic using the B3095 and to restrict heavy goods vehicles to those with destinations in the valley. In 2007 a Traffic Regulation Order was approved to impose a 7.5T weight restriction. This order was published in 2009, but the implementation was delayed by Wiltshire Council pending the upgrade of the A303 and a new junction with the A350. The Parish Council are in discussion with Wiltshire Council because the A303 upgrade is further delayed and the prospect of a new A350 junction is unlikely in the next decade. The new junction is regarded by Wiltshire Council as a precondition for the implementation of the 7.5T restriction on the B3095.

HGV traffic reduction and improved road safety on the B3095 were considered by the respondents to the 2022 questionnaire to be the highest priority in each of our three villages.

When asked whether the Plan should press Wiltshire Council and Highways England to increase the safety of users of the B3095, including the reduction of HGV traffic, the responses were as follows:

Agree Not sure or unconcerned Disagree
Brixton 100% Nil Nil
Monkton 100% Nil Nil
Kingston 90% Nil 10%
Overall 96% Nil 4%

Many respondents added their comments and suggestions on the subject of traffic. They feel that road safety should be improved, to make the B3095 less dangerous for pedestrians, cyclists and riders. This should be achieved by reducing the number of vehicles travelling through the valley, and reducing the speed at which they travel, whether they are goods vehicles, cars, or farm traffic.

There was significant support for a reduction in speed limits, particularly through the villages themselves, where several respondents felt that a 20mph limit would be appropriate given the lack of a pavement and the narrowness of the carriageway. It was also suggested that a 15mph limit should be imposed on the road from St Mary’s Church to the Gliding Club in Kingston Deverill.

Other measures to reduce speeding and better control traffic were also suggested, such as pinch points at the entry to the villages, speed bumps in the road, signage warning drivers of pedestrians and horses in the road, a weight restriction on the bridge in Brixton Deverill, improved visibility at junctions and stricter enforcement of existing speed limits. However, this must be weighed against a general opposition to a significant increase in road furniture and a strong view against street lighting.

It should be noted that the Upper Deverills Speedwatch team have been operating successfully for over a year and have succeeded in making a significant reduction to the number of vehicles breaking existing speed limits. The Speedwatch team would be well placed to enforce any reduced speed limits in order to give them maximum effect.

The question of the outstanding implementation of the 7.5T limit on the B3095 was raised once again, and it was proposed by some respondents that the Parish Council should test the claim that heavy goods vehicle traffic on the B3095 can only be reduced if the A350/A303 junction is upgraded. It is understood that this upgrade is unlikely before 2030 or beyond.

It was suggested that local car sharing might both reduce traffic and improve sustainability, and that a mechanism might be set up to support this.

Concern was also expressed about the state of the roads and verges. While the work of the Parish Steward in filling potholes and making minor repairs was much appreciated it was felt that, given more time and resources, he could achieve more and execute repairs to a higher standard, with tack coats, butt joints and more durable tarmac repair materials. It was observed that the roads seem to be cleaned less frequently by Wiltshire Council, which on occasion could make the state of the roads hazardous. There was a view that the road verges should be better protected in those places where they were vulnerable to damage by traffic and farm machinery.

Potholes can be reported to Wiltshire Council using their MyWilts online tool.



The following outcomes are supported by the community:

  • Action to make the valley’s residents feel safer (and be safer) from traffic, whether they are parents with young children, pedestrians (some of whom are elderly), riders, cyclists or runners.
  • Implementation of the already-agreed 7.5 tonne weight restriction on through traffic on the B3095, leading to a reduction in the number of heavy goods vehicles using the valley roads as a short cut.
  • An increase in car-sharing.
  • Improvements to the repair and cleaning of the carriageway and to the protection of verges.
  • Greater use of the MyWilts tool to report potholes and road damage.


  • The Parish Council to continue to work with Wiltshire Council to achieve improvements to road safety on the roads of the Parish, including implementation of the already-agreed 7.5T weight restriction.
  • Continued operation of the volunteer Community Speedwatch Group.

Mobile phone coverage


Our settlements are small and we live in a valley that is surrounded by high hills. These two factors combine to give us a problem with mobile telephone coverage: the network providers have to invest in new infrastructure in order to provide us with a service, but the financial return on their investment is likely to be small. The lack of mobile phone reception in our villages was ranked as the second highest priority overall. It was second highest in Kingston Deverill and third in both Monkton and Brixton Deverill.

In 2019 the Government announced initiatives to tackle poor mobile phone coverage in rural areas. Their declared aim is to bring 4G coverage to 95 per cent of the UK by 2025, tackling both Total Not-Spots (where there is no mobile phone coverage) and Partial Not-Spots (where not all networks can be received).

Upper Deverills is classified as a Partial Not Spot and the aim is to provide network coverage from all four mobile network operators on sites which are not currently served by all of them.

A number of utilities now assume that customers have access to mobile telephone coverage. Smart electricity meters, smart water meters and remote oil tank sensors all need a mobile signal, and therefore they are not available to many Upper Deverills residents.

The requirement for mobile coverage to every house in the Parish has been made more urgent by BT’s plan to switch off the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) by 2025, to coincide with the introduction of their Digital Voice service. This will create a significant problem for us during power cuts. While the PSTN will continue to operate through a power cut, Digital Voice will not. For those households which lack any mobile telephone signal (perhaps the majority in the Parish) this leaves us without the ability to call 999 in an emergency. The loss of both landline and mobile connectivity would also lead to the failure of burglar alarms and monitered personal alarms for the elderly and infirm.

Although the network operators are obliged (by Ofcom, the communications regulator) to provide standby power to vulnerable customers for the first hour of any power cut, this will not suffice. The power cuts that affect our villages, particularly during extreme weather, often last for much longer than an hour. During the second and subsequent hours of a power cut, we will therefore be completely cut off from the emergency services. This is clearly not acceptable. We should lobby hard for the mobile network operators and the PSTN supplier (BT) to synchronise their programmes so that no household in the valley loses the ability to call 999 during an extended power cut.

In December 2021 the Parish Council designated a Councillor as lead for improving mobile phone coverage and he is working with two other individuals on the initiative.

When asked whether the Plan should seek to improve mobile phone coverage within the Upper Deverills the survey responses were as follows:

Agree Not sure or unconcerned Disagree
Brixton 96% 4% Nil
Monkton 93% 7% Nil
Kingston 76% 15% 10%
Overall 86% 9% 4%


  • Achieve 100% emergency mobile coverage of every household in the Upper Deverills before they lose access to PSTN (or conversely, to maintain PSTN capabilities until mobile coverage is available).
  • Achieve 95% 4G mobile phone coverage of properties and highways within the Upper Deverills by at least two MNOs and preferably four.


  • The Parish Council to continue to press for adequate mobile, landline and emergency communications coverage, including liaison with, and putting pressure on, the mobile network operators and BT. If satisfactory progress is not made, consider involving our MP and challenging effectiveness or adequacy of Government policy.

Nature conservation and sustainability

corn bunting

Corn bunting – a red list species that can be seen in our Parish


We live in a landscape that is still rich in flora and fauna. Nevertheless, species that were once common have declined significantly and some once common sights – such as lapwings – are absent. We who live in the valley appreciate the natural beauty that surrounds us and therefore it is not surprising that nature conservation and restoration of the local environment, including its ecology, was ranked as the third highest priority in the questionnaire.

The Environment Act 2021 sets targets for the recovery of the natural world, including reversing the decline in species abundance. It sets in law new tools that will beused to deliver a Nature Recovery Network of wildlife-rich places, and gives local communities an important role in expanding, improving and connecting these places.

Responding to the Act, Wiltshire Council is publishing the Wiltshire Green Blue Infrastructure Strategy in Spring 2022. It will include a Community Environmental Toolkit which provides communities with guidance on how to produce their own Community Environmental Plans and play their part in reversing species decline and restoring habitats.


When asked whether the Plan should propose how to monitor, promote the ecological health of the countryside, including biodiversity and habitat protection the responses were as follows:

Agree Not sure or unconcerned Disagree
Brixton 100% Nil Nil
Monkton 96% 4% Nil
Kingston 85% 5% 10%
Overall 93% 3% 4%

The River Wylye, which is known as the Deverill while flowing through our three villages, is a chalk stream tributary of the Hampshire Avon. Although the river is home to much wildlife (including otters, water voles and kingfishers) its ecological status was assessed in 2019 as poor, and it failed the assessment of its chemical status, as a result of high concentrations of mercury and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE).


When asked whether the Plan should propose how to monitor and improve the ecological health of the River Wylye the response was as follows:

Agree Not sure or unconcerned Disagree
Brixton 96% 4% Nil
Monkton 100% Nil Nil
Kingston 90% Nil 10%
Overall 95% 1% 4%


  • Accurate and comprehensive wildlife records giving us a deep and rich understanding of nature in the valley.
  • An improved level of knowledge and understanding of wildlife, conservation and sustainability throughout the community.
  • A reversal of species decline in the valley.
  • Expanded, improved and better connected habitats.
  • A healthy river, full of life.


  • Set up an Upper Deverills Wildlife and Conservation Group, to organize talks and walks, conduct field studies, and carry out surveying and mapping, habitat restoration and species recovery projects. The Group should observe the Countryside Code and respect the rights of landowners.
  • Create and carry out a Community Environmental Plan (the Conservation and Wildlife Group to lead).
  • Improve the strength of our links with bodies such as the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty organisation, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust and the Wiltshire Ornithology Society



The new footbridge at the ford


The valley’s residents place a very high value on the charm and beauty of our villages. It is therefore not surprising that the subject of residential and commercial planning attracted a lot of interest from the residents who responded to the survey.

Local planning policy is set out in the Wiltshire Core Strategy Development Plan, which identifies four types of settlements. Under the Wiltshire Planthere is a general presumption against development in settlements that are not identified in the plan, such as the Upper Deverills. Our villages are even smaller than the “small villages” (such as Longbridge Deverill) that are the smallest communities in which any development is considered, except that “some very modest development may be appropriate at small villages, to respond to local needs and to contribute to the vitality of rural communities.

These limited exceptions include some which support agriculture or forestry. Another policy also allows for the development of small sites comprising affordable housing only as an exception to normal policies. The policy sets out the criteria against which such proposals will be evaluated and under what circumstances schemes solely for affordable housing may be permitted.

Because our Parish lies within the Cranborne Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, there is another layer of policy intended to preserve the character of our landscape. There is a comprehensive series of position statement and good practice notes intended to guide and support those who are working on, or considering, planning applications.

Cranborne Chase AONB planning publications

When asked whether the Plan should support housing developments in their village if they involve building on fields or open spaces the responses were as follows:

Agree Not sure or unconcerned Disagree
Brixton 18% 11% 71%
Monkton 7% 22% 70%
Kingston 29% 17% 54%
Overall 20% 21% 59%

When asked whether the Plan should support housing developments in ther village if they involve building to infill gaps between existing buildings the responses were as follows:

Agree Not sure or unconcerned Disagree
Brixton 29% 39% 32%
Monkton 30% 37% 33%
Kingston 49% 24% 27%
Overall 38% 32% 30%

When asked whether the Plan should support commercial or business developments in their village if they involve building on fields or open spaces the responses were as follows:

Agree Not sure or unconcerned Disagree
Brixton 4% 96%
Monkton 7% 22% 70%
Kingston 17% 24% 59%
Overall 9% 18% 72%

When asked whether the Plan should support commercial or business developments in their village if they involve building to infill gaps between existing buildings the responses were as follows:

Agree Not sure or unconcerned Disagree
Brixton 11% 25% 64%
Monkton 30% 22% 48%
Kingston 34% 27% 29%
Overall 26% 25% 49%

To summarize these results: a clear majority of respondents opposed residential housing developments or commercial developments in their village if they involved building on fields or open spaces.

Opinion was fairly evenly divided on housing developments in their village if they involved building to infill gaps between existing buildings. Written comments favoured only those developments that were are natural evolution of the current built environment, with an emphasis on providing smaller affordable houses or bungalows as starter homes, or for valley residents to move into when they wish to remain in the valley but no longer need their larger houses. Some respondents wished resident’s planning applications to be considered sympathetically. There was a strong and widely view that any development should respect the character of our villages and should not greatly increase traffic.

A majority opposed commercial or business developments in their village if they involved building to infill gaps between existing buildings, but the strength of opposition varied between our villages, with the strongest opposition coming from Brixton Deverill. In Kingston Deverill the responses were much more evenly divided with a slight majority favouring some commercial or business development.

When asked whether the Plan should support planning applications that promote renewable energy the responses were as follows:

Agree Not sure or unconcerned Disagree
Brixton 36% 57% 7%
Monkton 56% 44%%
Kingston 88% 5% 7%
Overall 64% 31% 5%

A majority of respondents agreed that the Plan should support planning applications that promote renewable energy. The strength of feeling appeared to vary substantially between the three villages, but the written comments on the survey and exploration of the topic at the public consultation led to the following conclusion: people across the three villages oppose wind farms or solar farms that are commercial ventures, but are in favour of domestic renewable energy solutions so long as they respect the character of the villages and landscape and comply with planning guidance and policy.


  • Where development (whether residential or commercial) takes place, it must preserve the character of our villages and the natural beauty of the landscape.
  • In particular, development of any kind should not involve building on fields or open spaces, nor should it result in an increase in traffic.
  • Within these limitations, our villages should be allowed to evolve naturally and the built environment should respect the past without being overly constrained by it.
  • Certain types of housing would be more welcome than others: such as starter homes for young families, and single storey houses suitable for older people to move into when they wish to downsize.
  • There should be no wind farm or solar farm development in the Parish.
  • There should be increased use of small-scale use of renewable energy solutions such as heat-pumps and domestic solar panels, where they do not conflict with the character of our villages.
  • Residents’ planning applications should be considered sympathetically, on their individual merits, when they do not conflict with these principles.


The Parish Council should reflect the values and views expressed above above when responding to planning applications.

Conservation Areas


A conservation area is an area of special architectural or historic interest, the character, appearance or setting of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance. Conservation areas are normally designated by the local planning authority, Wiltshire Council.

Once designated, there are some extra planning controls and considerations in place to protect the historic and architectural elements which make the place special. As a result, they are most likely to affect work on the outside of properties. When a planning application is submitted for development in a conservation area, in dealing with it the planning authority is required by legislation to pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the area. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) acknowledges that not all elements of a conservation area will necessarily contribute to its significance.

In a conservation area there are also more limitations on development, such as an extension to a house, that can be done without planning permission compared with other non-designated areas. In addition, there are further controls regarding demolition and works to trees with residents being required to notify the local planning authority six weeks before the work is undertaken. Designation is the formal process of Wiltshire Council establishing the conservation area and requires the process to be properly followed otherwise the designation could be challenged. But is it only the starting point of the council’s role in managing the new heritage asset.

Ideally prior to designation the local planning authority should carry out, or have carried out a Conservation Area Appraisal. This might additionally include a photographic survey of all buildings being included at the time of designation.

Following on from designation a Management Plan is the key tool for fulfilling the council’s duties to review the conservation area and its boundaries and formulate and publish proposals for the preservation and enhancement of the area.

All properties within a conservation area are required to have this recorded as a local Land Charge. Residents and businesses in a conservation area need to know they may need permission from the Council before making alterations such as cladding, inserting windows, installing satellite dishes and solar panels, adding conservatories or other extensions, laying paving or building walls.

Brixton Deverill has been designated as a Conservation Area by Wiltshire Council. However, to date no Conservation Area Appraisal has been conducted, nor has a Conservation Area Management Plan been completed.

When the residents of Brixton Deverill were asked whether the new Parish Plan should propose how to secure a Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan to protect and enhance the Brixton Deverill Conservation area the response was strongly in favour.

Agree Not sure or unconcerned Disagree
Brixton 93% 7% Nil

Neither Monkton Deverill or Kingston Deverill are designated as Conservation Areas. When the residents of each village were asked whether the new Parish Plan should assess the desirability and feasibility of the designation of their own village as a Conservation Area, the responses were as follows:

Agree Not sure or unconcerned Disagree
Monkton 52% 26% 22%
Kingston 56% 17% 27%

Thus it can be seen that a majority of respondents in both Monkton and Kingston were in favour of an assessment of the desirability and feasibility of designation as Conservation Areas, but a significant number of respondents were not sure, or opposed to the assessment.


  • Completion by Wiltshire Council of a Conservation Area Assessment and Management Plan for Brixton Deverill.
  • Achievement of a clear understanding of the implications for residents of designation of Monkton Deverill or Kingston Deverillas a Conservation Area. Following this, if (and only if) a majority of residents in the village concerned wishes it, completion (by Wiltshire Council) of a Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan.


  • The Parish Council should
    • catalyse the completion, by Wiltshire Council, of a Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan for Brixton Deverill
    • communicate clearly to the residents of Monkton Deverill and Kingston Deverill the implications of designation as a Conservation Area.
    • take informal soundings from Wiltshire Council about their appetite to embark on the designation process.
  • For Monkton Deverill and Kingston Deverill, given a positive outcome to the first two steps.
    • the Parish Council should formally request designation followed by Conservation Area Appraisals.
    • Wiltshire Council should carry out the Appraisals.
Figure 4: St Michael’s Church, Brixton Deverill, photographed by Chris Lock

Community Facilities and Activities

The Flower Show in the Village Hall


The only community buildings in our villages are the Village Hall and the two churches: St Michael the Archangel in Brixton Deverill and St Mary the Virgin in Kingston Deverill. We can no longer sustain a shop, nor a pub.

The Village Hall hosts a full programme of monthly Pub Nights, quizzes, Village Feasts, talks and dramatical presentations and is used by art and fitness group. Its events are well attended and the Summer Fete, Flower Show and Dog Show is a particular highlight of the summer.

The Village Hall building is a prefabricated 1950s “Woolaway” structure which is well beyond the end of its planned life. Thanks to the repairs and improvements made by Village Hall Committees down the years, the building is still usable but it will not last for ever. The Village Hall Committee conducted a survey in August 2019 to seek the views of the community on the future of the Village Hall. There was a high level of responses all of which supported the continued provision of a Village Hall as a hub for the community. A Future Village Hall project was initiated, but then put on hold until 2022 in view of the coronavirus pandemic. The project will be relaunched in 2022.

A proposal to develop and reorder St Mary’s Church in Kingston Deverill was developed by a sub-committee of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) in 2019 and was submitted to the PCC in May 2020. It is currently on hold pending PCC decisions. A separate application for permission (‘Faculty’) is in progress for the repair and conservation of the font, for which a grant has been obtained from St Andrew’s Conservation Trust.

The activities organised and undertaken in the valley largely reflect the age profile of those who live here, and are therefore skewed towards older people. A monthly “coffee and crafts afternoon has recently been started in the Village Hall and this is proving to be very popular. The Hall also hosts a thriving art group and Pilates classes. The cricket club continues to play several matches each summer on a pitch adjacent to the Village Hall.

With the arrival of a number of younger families into our three villages there is now more of a requirement for facilities and activities for children than there has been in recent years. The Village Hall hosts an annual Christmas Party, a Duck Race and an annual rounders match but there is no children’s playground.

In terms of communication and information exchange, there is a comprehensive web site which complements the Parish News as a source of information and a means of communication. It includes a new arrivals information pack for those moving into the valley. In addition the Upper Deverills Facebook group continues to be widely used.


When people were asked whether the Plan should identify the most important community facilities, assess their condition and propose how to improve them to meet the needs of residents the responses were as follows:

Agree Not sure or unconcerned Disagree
Brixton 71% 29% Nil
Monkton 78% 22% Nil
Kingston 83% 17% Nil
Overall 78% 22% Nil

In their written comments, people told us that they feel strongly that our historic churches in Brixton and Kingston should be conserved and preserved. In addition to their use for worship, christenings, weddings and funerals, some respondents believe that they should be used as village community centres. However, others feel that the churches should be “kept as churches”.

A number of people believe that there should be better provision for children and young people, such as modest playground that might be enlarged in future, with a swing or two or perhaps a see-saw. It is felt by many that we should sustain and encourage sports, arts, music, clubs and societies, and participate in (and help to organise) the Village Hall’s programme of events, in order to support a vibrant village community.

In order to make this possible, it is the general view that the future of the Village Hall should be safeguarded, despite the current building coming to the end of its useful life. However, several respondents feel that any future hall should be kept small, and compact – sized for our three villages but not set up on a scale that would require (or attract) large numbers of people from outside our community.


  • Both churches continue to thrive, and their buildings are properly maintained.
  • The Village Hall building is replaced when it can no longer be maintained.
  • Young families with children feel that their needs are met.
  • Effective communication and easily accessible information for residents, new arrivals and visitors .
  • There is a rich social, cultural and sporting life in our villages.


  • The Village Hall Committee, Parish Council and valley community should work together to fund and deliver a programme of work on a Future Village Hall.
  • The community should continue to support the Cricket Club and the Village Hall’s programme of events.
  • The PCC and the valley community should work together to maintain both churches and, where appropriate, develop their facilities in order to continue to use them as active places of worship and venues for celebration and commemoration.
  • With the arrival (and birth) of a number of younger children in the valley, the creation of a children’s playground should once again be investigated, perhaps as a project to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
  • The Parish Council and the Village Hall Committee should explore, with neighbouring Councils and Village Halls, the potential for joint events and activities.
  • The Parish News, Parish Council website and Upper Deverills Facebook page should continue to be used, in combination, to exchange and publish information of interest and value to the community.

St Mary the Virgin, Kingston Deverill

Policing and Community Safety


Policing in Wiltshire is governed by the National Police Chiefs’ Council’s Policing Vision 2025 and the Wiltshire and Swindon Policy and Crime Plan 2022-2025. The latter states that local communities will be involved in decision making, our concerns will be listened to, the visibility of policing will be improved, and the design of services will be based on the public’s experience of how well the service is working for us.
More officers will be recruited, every victim who reports a crime will receive a prompt response including a visit from the police, and there will be increased investment in the digital capability of the force.

There is a Neighbourhood Watch scheme in operation which covers the Upper Deverills and also Hill Deverill, Longbridge Deverill and Crockerton.

A Community Safeguarding Group was set up at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, to help neighbours to help each other, particularly during the lockdowns, and to share and disseminate information, principally by email.

Wiltshire Police maintain an clear understanding of the policing needs of the valley and allocate appropriate resources to the prevention and detection of rural crime.

The Plan questionnaire did not ask any questions focussed on policing and community safety. There were no additional comments on this topic. This suggests that residents are broadly content with the current situation. There was, however, concern about fly tipping.



  • Wiltshire Police understand the policing needs of the valley and allocate appropriate resources to the prevention and detection of crime.
  • The Parish Council has developed a community resilience policy.
  • Encourage and support the local Neighbourhood Watch scheme.
  • Use of the MyWilts online tool to report fly tipping.


  • Parish Council: seek clarification, from Wiltshire Police, of the changes that we can expect to see in:
    • the alignment of policing with other services.
    • an increased focus on prevention.
    • improved data sharing and communication.
    • consulting local people on their concerns and their experience of the police service.
    • how the local demand for policing will be assessed.
  • Keep the Community Safeguarding Group in being and maintain the associated email lists.
  • Parish Council: periodically review and revise the community resilience policy.
  • Continue to use the Parish News and other channels to remind residents of the ways to report fly-tipping to Wiltshire Council.

Health and Social Care


Our three villlages are well served for both primary and secondary health care. The majority of residents are registered with the Mere Practice (four full-time GPs) or the Avenue Practice in Warminster (seven full-time GPs) for primary health care. Both practices provide a high quality personalised and compassionate service that is much appreciated.

The area is served by Salisbury District Hospital and the Royal United Hospitals Bath, with some specialist care being provided at Southampton General Hospital. Certain services are provided more locally at the Westminster Memorial Hospital in Shaftesbury (where there is a Minor Injuries Unit) and Warminster Community Hospital.

The primary concern is the performance of South Western Ambulance Services NHS Trust. Particularly during the coronavirus epidemic, the response time has on occasion been unacceptably long. When the ambulance crews or paramedics arrive, they invariably live up the the Trust’s vision statement of “Exceptional Care Delivered by Exceptional People. But it seems that the resources available to the Trust are insufficient to meet the need, particularly in a relatively remote location with a large population of older people.

While there are a number of elderly people who live alone, this is a friendly community in which people look out for each other. During the coronavirus pandemic a Community Safeguarding Group was set up in order to provide a little structure and a channel of communications to coordinate neighbourly efforts to ensure that nobody was forgotten.

The bus service is limited but important to those who do not drive. The introduction of a more flexible minibus service, perhaps along “call-and-go” lines, would be welcomed. The present bus service is supplemented by the Mere and District Link Scheme, through which volunteers help people in Mere and surrounding villages (including ours) to get to their medical appointments, shops and social events.



  • A continuing vibrant community with a mixture of ages.
  • High quality health care, delivered with compassion by people who we get to know, and who get to know us as individuals.


  • The Parish Council to develop a relationship with our primary health providers



All three villages have experienced floods that have caused significant disruption and damage: Kingston Deverill in December 2013, Monkton Deverill in 2016 and Brixton Deverill in October 2021.

Under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, the following parties have a duty to cooperate with each other in the management of flood risk:

  • The Environment Agency is responsible for taking a strategic overview of all sources of flooding, for managing the risk of flooding from major rivers (the upper waters of the Wylye do not qualify as a major river) and issuing flood warnings.
  • The Lead Local Flood Authority (Wiltshire Council in our case) is responsible for coordinating flood risk management in its area. It is responsible for managing the risk of flooding from surface water, ground water and ordinary watercourses and it leads on community recovery. It is also responsible for maintaining a register of flood risk assets and surface water risk. If a flood happens the Lead Local Flood Authority must have plans in place to respond to emergencies.
  • The local authority (also Wiltshire Council in our case) is responsible for carrying out flood risk management works on minor watercourses.
  • The highways authority (also Wiltshire Council, in respect of the roads in our Parish, which are minor roads) is responsible for providing and managing highway drainage and roadside ditches, and must ensure that roadside projects do not increase flood risk.
  • Riparian owners – people who own land or property next to a river, stream or ditch – are responsible for maintaining the waterway, but also have rights to protect their properties from flooding. Guidance for riparian owners is contained in the Environment Agency publication Owning an Watercourse, a link to which is listed below.
  • Property owners are responsible for looking after their own properties, including reducing the risks of water entering them and of causing damage. They are expected to be aware of their flood risk and to take measures to better protect themselves, where appropriate. Maintenance and repair of drainage pipes and channels on private property is the responsiblity of the property owner.

There was no flooding-related question in the Parish Plan survey, but there were several written comments by respondents, particularly from Brixton Deverill (where the most recent flooding event occurred). There was a strong feeling that more measures should be taken to prevent future flooding, whether from the river or from surface run-off. It was felt that drains should be upgraded and existing drains should be cleared regularly, and culverts should be inspected. Dredging and weed removal should be undertaken where appropriate. Riparian owners should be given a clearer understanding of their responsiblities and should be encouraged to fulfil them. The appointment of flood wardens was suggested.



  • A significant reduction in the frequency and impact of flooding in all three villages of the Upper Deverills, through coordinated action between local authorities and propery owners.


  • Effective and concerted action by the Parish Council to secure the completion and implementation of a flood risk management plan by Wiltshire Council, in its capacity as the Lead Local Flood Authority, local authority and highways authority.
  • Clear communication to riparian and propery owners of their responsibilities in respect of flood risk management
  • The appointment of flood wardens to monitor risks as they arise and develop.



Footpaths and Rights of Way


The Deverills landscape is criss-crossed by public rights of way. The survey did not ask a question about footpaths and rights of way but nevertheless respondents wrote several comments.

There was support for improving the maintenance and ease of use of footpaths, asking farmers to ensure that they are safe, that they are clearly visible, well marked, and not obstructed, and that they are promptly restored after field operations. There were a few specific suggestions about the creation of a new permissive path or the diversion of an existing right of way. The power to do this is held by Wiltshire Council, and the process is set out on the Wiltshire Council Rights of Way page.

While the Parish Council takes an interest in rights of way, it has no statutory powers to require landowners to act. These powers are held by Wiltshire Council, who suggest that people who wish to report a problem using their My Wiltshire online tool.

Two respondents suggested that the creation of a Permissive Path in Monkton Deverill that would cross the river and provide a link to Kingston Deverill.



  • Rights of way that are well maintained, easy to find and use, and promptly restored.
  • Friendly relations between those who use public rights of way and private landowners whose property they cross.


  • The Parish Council to continue to monitor rights of way through the Rights of Way representatives from the three villages.
  • Problems to be reported directly to Wiltshire Council using the My Wiltshire reporting tool.
  • Requests for creating or diverting footpaths to follow the process set out by Wiltshire Council.
  • Suggestions for new rights of way or Permissive Paths (such as one from Monkton to Kingston) to be raised directly with Wiltshire Council following the process set out on the Wiltshire Council Rights of Way web page.

Dark Skies


Cranborne Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty is an International Dark Sky Reserve. The AONB describes the benefits and beneficiaries of dark skies as follows:

  • People: Our sleep can be disrupted by too much light at night. At worst, it can lead to more serious health issues
  • Wildlife: Many birds and animals are affected by stray light at night, affecting their breeding cycles and feeding habits. Controlling stray light helps bats, birds, moths and other nocturnal creatures to go about their business and thrive
  • Enjoyment and education: There is increasing interest, wonder and amazement at the incredible array of stars above us. Stargazing is a fabulous educational activity for all
  • Money: Substantial savings can be made by Local Authorities, businesses and individuals from turning off or dimming down unnecessary lighting
  • Saving energy: There is no point shining light into the sky. Energy wastage can be considerably reduced by ensuring light is directed only where it is needed
  • Rural tourism: Other areas designated for their dark skies have seen greater visitor numbers, even in winter, leading to increased business for B&Bs, retailers, and others catering for visitors

Maintenance of the status of the AONB as an International Dark Sky Reserve depends on following a number of principles that are set out in a Dark Night Sky Charter

  • Shielding lights, so that they do not emit any light above the horizontal, to reduce skyglow and the adverse effects of light on flying fauna.
  • Shielding lights, so that they do not shine off the property, to reduce light intrusion and glare.
  • Using light of a coordinated colour temperature of 2700K or lower (“warm white”

light) to reduce glare, skyglow from light scatter, and the adverse effects of light on nocturnal fauna.

  • Have exterior lights on motion sensors (PIRs) with a maximum “on” time of 5 minutes to reduce their effect on all aspects of the night-time environment, especially skyglow from light scatter and reflection, and the adverse effects on flora and nocturnal fauna.
  • Using lights with the minimum brightness necessary for their intended task to reduce their effect on all aspects of the night-time environment, especially skyglow from light scatter and reflection, and the

adverse effects on flora and nocturnal fauna.

  • In the case of tourist accommodation providers, promote the dark sky environment by providing binoculars or telescopes, star charts, red-light torches, etc., for loan to guests, and making provision for late returns in the night after astronomy activities,and late breakfasts.
  • Respect and raise awareness of the International Dark Sky Reserve generally by promoting, in person, on social media, or on own websites, dark sky events such as stargazing evenings and talks on light pollution and its consequences and remedies.

When asked whether the Parish Plan should seek to protect the Upper Deverills according to the Dark Skies status of the Cranborne Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty the responses were as follows:

Agree Not sure or unconcerned Disagree
Brixton 96% 4% Nil
Monkton 100% Nil Nil
Kingston 90% 10% Nil
Overall 95% 5% Nil


  • That organisations and individuals in the Upper Deverills are aware of the principles set out in the Dark Night Sky Charter and take them into account, particularly when installing and using exterior lighting and choosing replacement bulbs.


  • The Parish Council should identify a Dark Night Sky champion.
  • That the Village Hall should invite an expert to give a talk on the Dark Night Sky Reserve.
Kingston Deverill 2

The churchyard of St Mary the Virgin, Kingston Deverill, by Chris Lock


  1. Listed Buildings
  2. Clubs, Associations and Groups in the Parish
  3. Parish Plan Working Group members

Listed Buildings within the Upper Deverills Parish

  • Brixton Deverill
    • Georges Barn
    • Whitecliff Farmhouse
    • Drove End (Cross Cottage)
    • Bridgewalk House
    • Dairy Cottage
    • Bridge Cottage
    • The Manor House
    • Manor Farm Cottage
    • Church of St Michael
    • The Old Rectory
    • Telephone Kiosk
    • The bridge
  • Monkton Deverill
    • Burton Farmhouse
    • Manor Farmhouse
    • The Old School
    • 86 Monkton Deverill
    • Former Church (St Alfred the Great) and Whiting monument
  • Kingston Deverill
    • Keysley Farmhouse
    • Hedge Cottage
    • Marvins
    • Humphrey’s Orchard
    • Barn at Manor Farm
    • Pope’s Farmhouse and Flat
    • Church of St Mary and Young monument
    • Kingston House
    • 35 Kingston Deverill
    • 36 & 38 Kingston Deverill
    • 39 Kingston Deverill

Clubs, Associations and Groups in the Parish

The following are active within our Community:

  • Upper Deverills Parish Council
  • Parochial Church Council
  • Village Hall Committee
  • Deverills Cricket Club
  • Upper Deverills Wildlife and Conservation Group
  • Deverills Book and Dining Club
  • Bell Ringing
  • North Dorset and Somerset Gliding Club
  • Model Flying Club
  • Pilates Groups
  • Deverills Raptor and Owl Group (DROG)
  • Pub Night – Cricketers’ Legs
  • Salisbury Theatre Club
  • ‘Look and See’ Art Group
  • Wylye Valley Arts Trail
  • Deverill Valley and Crockerton WI
  • Cast on Club
  • Warminster Walkers
  • Wiltshire and Infantry Beagles
  • South and West Wiltshire Hunt
  • Salisbury and District Angling Club – fly fishing
  • Parish Plan Working Group

Parish Plan Working Group Members

  • Ted Flint
  • Richard Kitson
  • Richard Munro